The word “tiospaye” is from the Dakota language and it refers to one’s extended family. Our tiospaye here on Bamboo Mountain is a small circle of people who have chosen to walk the Red Road Way and gather together on a regular basis to purify and pray together. We have been doing this for about 25 years, striving to walk in balance and harmony with “each step a prayer, each word a word of love”.

Our altar and its teachings were passed down from Mom Rita Parenteau Flying Buffalo of the Wahpeton Dakota Nation to our water-pourer who is a hunka-relative as is Grampa A-Khi-Ko-Ka of the Oglala Lakota Nation.

Our little multigenerational band is a true rainbow tribe whose members represent all the colors of the medicine wheel and numerous tribal affiliations. Many carry the Sacred Pipe and quite a few are veteran Sundancers.

Sitting adjacent to the zendo, the Sacred Hoop of the Inipi Lodge reminds us of the interconnectedness of all beings and of the sacredness of all life. The Inipi Ceremony is one of the Lakota Seven Sacred Ceremonies and is passed down from one generation to the next.

It is an honor to host this on Bamboo Mountain. It is currently a private ceremony and is no longer open to the public.