
You have just opened a window into the spirited world of Bamboo Mountain Sanctuary. E komo mai! My name is La’akea and I will tell you what I see from where I stand.

Situated on Maui’s fabled north shore on the edge of the Ko’olau Rainforest, in the moku of Hāmākualoa, Bamboo Mountain hosts many roots:

I see numerous variations on a theme in a never-ending story

A state of mind as much as a way of being

It is both the teacher and the teaching

A weaving of cultures and languages and teachings

It wears the face of mystery and the body of mercy

It holds a legacy of lush abundance and storied history

It is rainbows, trade winds and dragon-clouds

The waters of Kane tumbling mauka to makai

It is a circle in a nest of circles

The Medicine Wheel Zendo beneath the ironwoods

The Inipi Lodge and its sacred fire

Our small ohana bound by the practice of respectful non-interference

It is, above all, an invitation as expressed in this oli kahea, a Hawaiian prayer chanted to focus oneself before entering a sacred space.

The Elementals

The Elementals

ʻO nā kumumea ʻehā o ke ao nei, ʻo ia nō ka honua, ka wai, ke ea, a me ke ahi. The elements of Nature are fourfold: Air (ke ea), Water (ka wai), Earth (ka honua) and Fire (ke ahi). The synergistic interplay of these four elements empowers the world to support life in...



The Hawaiian Islands are the most geographically remote inhabited islands on earth, 2500 miles in any direction from the nearest populated landmass. The island of Maui is divided into 12 districts called moku. Two of the districts on the windward North Shore are named...



E uhi ana ka wa i hala i na mea i hala ("Passing time obscures the past") When it comes to the history of a particular piece of land, particularly hallowed ground, there is no better “visitor log” than the names and stories that are inscribed in the earth herself. Its...